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Experten meinungen
Hexaom wants to make smart homes accessible
Interview with Sébastien Perrissoud, Product & Innovation Manager A leader in the home building, renovation, and home buying...
Fr. 10 Dezember 2021
Interwoven stories: Overkiz brings together IoT and women
Although gender parity is increasingly common in the workplace, the percentage of women in IT is still quite low. Only 28% of women...
Mo. 28 Juni 2021
Experten meinungen
Interview with Eric Pozzo-Deschanel, Bouygues Immobilier
A key figure in French and European real estate, Bouygues Immobilier is positioning itself as an urban developer-operator.  For...
Fr. 2 April 2021
Which articles caught your attention the most in 2020?
Although 2020 has been somewhat turbulent, enthusiasm is as strong as ever for connected devices and the IoT. And the same is true...
Mo. 11 Januar 2021
iot trends 2021 by overkiz
IoT Trends and Outlook for 2021
Although 2020 was marked by the Covid-19 pandemic, which still looms over us, IoT is attracting interest from an increasing number...
Mo. 21 Dezember 2020
Why is interoperability crucial?
From small businesses to big manufacturers, most companies are now converting to the Internet of Things. One topic that affects...
Do. 26 November 2020
IoT and Covid-19: impacts and opportunities
With 68 million recorded visits to all of its sites last June, SeLoger, the French leader in real estate portals, confirms that...
Mi. 7 Oktober 2020
Interview Pichet by Overkiz
Experten meinungen
6 questions for Nicolas Oyarbide, Pichet Group
Making the daily lives of residents easier, safer, and fuller... That’s the goal of the Pichet Group, a major real estate...
Mo. 7 September 2020
How can we give customers a unique IoT experience in home automation?
User experience, customer experience, and consumer experience... Beyond simply wanting to consume products and services, people...
Mo. 4 Mai 2020
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