

Quickly launch your products in the connected world

In today’s world, leading-edge manufacturers know that they must connect their products to the IoT – heating, ventilation, air conditioning, security devices, openings, sensors, etc. Overkiz can connect any type of equipment regardless of the technology. We help manufacturers to quickly launch innovative smart products and services thanks to our unique IoT platform. In addition to our hardware solutions, take advantage of our white-label applications to remotely control, monitor and maintain your installed products.

Overkiz solutions for manufacturers

Manufacturers benefits

  • Rapidly introduce IoT solutions to the market
  • Create new, connected product lines
  • Develop new revenue opportunities
  • Stimulate new BtoB partnerships
  • Collect and analyse real-time consumer data
  • Enhance consumer experience and build loyalty

Users benefits

  • Control multiple devices anywhere, anytime via one simple app
  • Create smart scenarios and increase energy savings
  • Improve home comfort and security

Client success stories