

Somfy chooses Overkiz to offer a simplified smart home experience



For more than 10 years, Somfy has been revolutionizing the smart home market, beginning with its Somfy TaHoma® wireless gateway for connecting and controlling home devices.

The revolution is still underway 10 years later, with the launch of TaHoma® suite, composed of three additional services to help installers. Among them is TaHoma® switch, the first intelligent controller for connecting and centralizing a user’s home devices.

To bring this innovative and scalable Smart Home solution to life, Somfy has joined forces with Overkiz, the Group’s technological partner for more than 10 years.


TaHoma® suite: The power to go connected


With the free TaHoma® pro mobile app, it only takes a few minutes to install and set up the home’s devices. From connecting to configuring and setting up equipment, everything can be done on a smartphone from one central location. This ensures a fast and efficient error-free installation. ​

The TaHoma® switch smart control system, with an electronic board developed by Overkiz, allows for wireless communication with connected equipment within the home. It also allows user to launch scenarios easily with the press of a button. In addition, the TaHoma® mobile app lets users control their devices remotely and create advanced scenarios.

The Serv-e-Go online maintenance tool helps diagnose smart devices remotely. Designed for professionals, this tool helps installers prepare better for customer visits and carry out remote troubleshooting.


The benefits of smart living for everyone



TaHoma® suite lets installers quickly set up smart devices, from the ease of a smartphone. Optimizing work in the field saves lots of time, bringing down service costs.

For users, TaHoma® switch allows for easy device management at home or remotely, along with the addition of many smart products. By monitoring their energy consumption, occupants can rest assured that their home expenses are under control.

This comprehensive solution allows Somfy to respond effectively to new ways of home living. The power and secure end-to-end Overkiz OEM IoT platform delivers a simple and reliable high-tech solution that lasts. Overkiz APIs, meanwhile, have made it possible to develop mobile apps and the e-maintenance tool for efficient data reporting.


Building on a long-established trust with Overkiz, Somfy is backed by the expertise of a partner that can:



Jean-Noël Loiseau, Vice-President of Connected Services at Somfy

“The technological mastery of the Overkiz IoT platform and the richness of their ecosystem, combined with the agility of their teams, have paved the way to success for TaHoma® suite.

The support we receive from Overkiz experts helps us see even further and imagine new innovations for the coming years, to provide an even higher standard of living for our users.”


About the Somfy Group

Founded in France in 1969 and present in 58 countries, Somfy is the world leader in automated openings and closures for homes and buildings.

A pioneer in smart homes, Somfy is constantly innovating to create home comfort, well-being, and security with a full commitment to sustainable development.

For 50 years, Somfy has used automation to improve living environments and is committed to creating reliable and sustainable solutions that create good living and well-being for everyone.